The Smartpipe® Process

The Smartpipe® Process

The Smartpipe® Process


Minimum Excavation


Continuous Manufacturing & Installation


Minimum Termination Points and In-Line Couplings


exponentially increase pipeline integrity

Manufacturing & Installation Process

Our Smartpipe® portable climate-controlled factory is mobilized to manufacture Smartpipe either on the job-site or in close proximity to the right-of-way—the only composite pipeline manufacturing and installation process of its kind. It manufactures and simultaneously installs very long segments of high-pressure reinforced composite pipe. Smartpipe® is pulled into a failed or failing pipeline with only minimal excavation at the entry and exit points, or laid into a trench as a direct lay pipeline. Continuous manufacturing and installation produces Smartpipe at approximately one mile per day, reducing downtime. Pre-manufacturing and layout on the project site allows for much faster installation speeds, increasing the 24-hour installation lengths when downtime is critical.

In order to maximize the ID of the Smartpipe® system being inserted into a host steel pipeline, the Smartpipe® is C-formed prior to the insertion. This reduces the circumference by approximately 30%. After the pull through, the C-formed pipe is re-rounded to become a close fit inside the host pipeline. Using the portable factory, Smartpipe® can be manufactured in long continuous lengths of up to several miles. This means that the complete pipeline length does not need to be dug up to replace the pipeline. The long continuous length means that the number of termination and in-line couplings are minimized, exponentially increasing pipeline integrity.

As the only high-pressure solution of its type in larger diameter composite pipe, the current portable factory manufactures 4-inch to 14-inch internal diameters. The next-generation factory is being designed to make larger diameter pipe, up to 20-inch ID.


Minimum Excavation


Continuous Manufacturing & Installation


Minimum Termination Points and In-Line Couplings


Exponentially Increase Pipeline Integrity

Smartpipe® Technologies Center

Houston, Texas

Our 8.5 acre campus contains Smartpipe® Technologies’ main office, product development, manufacturing and testing facilities and composite pipeline testing loop. Our 53000 sq ft facility houses Smartpipe’s® ongoing composite pipeline and related product development, long-term testing and product qualification.

Our new award-winning 8,300 square foot corporate offices provide conference and training facilities, data collection and analytics as well as work spaces for visiting technology partners and teaming companies. We can also provide remote demonstration capabilities for our technology partners, which is an especially valuable service to our international teaming partners and customers.

Smartpipe facility with pipe and flag in the background
Smartpipe dark blue and light blue logo


Smartpipe® is a high-pressure reinforced thermoplastic pipeline replacement technology.

API 15S | ASTM Standard F2896-11

Contact Us


6955 High Life Drive

Houston, TX 77066

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